Multiple Choice

 A Multiple Choice question requires a student to select the best possible answer (or answers) out of the choices from a list.

 Multiple Choice Strategies:


ü  Read the entire question carefully before you look at the answer.

ü  Don't read too much into a question.  Assuming it contains a 'trick' usually results in a wrong answer.

ü  Circle or underline important words. This will help you focus on the information most needed to identify the correct answer choice.  

ü  Come up with the answer in your head before looking at the possible answers.  This way the choices given on the test won't throw you off or trick you.


ü  Read all the choices before choosing your answer. It is just as likely for the last answer choice to be correct as the first.

ü  Eliminate answers you know aren't right. This will help you narrow down the correct answer choice.

ü  For a graph or picture, determine the conclusion.  Try to answer the question, “What is the relationship between independent and dependant variables?”

ü  Look for two answer choices that are opposites. One of these two answer choices is likely to be correct.

ü  Look for hints about the correct answer choice in other items on the test. The correct answer choice may be part of another item on the test.

ü  Look for answer choices that contain language used by your teacher or found in your textbooks. An answer choice that contains such language is usually correct.


ü  Always take an educated guess and select an answer.

ü  Don't keep on changing your answer.  Usually your first choice is the right one. Only change your answer if you have a very strong hunch that it's wrong, or you find new evidence.

ü  Never leave a question unanswered!


Guess (if you have no other option)

ü  A positive choice is more likely to be true than a negative one.

ü  Many times, the correct answer is the choice with the most information.

ü  Don’t choose "None of the above" if you are certain one of the statements is true.

ü  Choose "All of the above" only if you are certain that at least two answers are correct.


Constructed Response

 Constructed response questions are short essay or open-ended questions which ask a student to explain, analyze, and/or interpret a written statement or graphic (ie: photo, map, diagram).

 Constructed Response Strategies:


Read the entire question carefully.

Circle or underline important words like: explain, provide, assess, justify, or identify


Before the test, know how your response will be scored

Understanding the scoring rubric for constructed response questions will help you formulate an answer that may score higher.

Outline your response in the margin. 

Organizing your ideas before you answer will allow you to think more clearly and form a better answer.


Restate the question to begin your sentence.

If the question asks: “Tell about the kind of area this species might live in.”

You begin your response with: “The kind of area it might live in is. . .”

Answer all parts of the question asked.

“Identify three variables for the experiment.”

 Support your reasoning with detail.

Answer “WHY”

 Write legibly

Anyone should be able to read your handwriting.  If you make a mistake, simply draw a line through it, it is much neater and quicker than erasing it.

 Do not skip any questions

Answer in outline format if you run out of time.