4-Week Session: July 5 – July 29, 2022 (No Class on Monday, July 4)
Location: Enfield High School
Time: 7:30am – 12:30pm (Monday-Friday) Grades: 9-12
Block 1: 7:30AM – 10:00AM
Block 2: 10:00AM – 12:30PM
Tuition/Fees: Free for Enfield High Students (Transportation Available); All others $265 per course
Four Ways to REGISTER (registration opens on June 22):
- Use the QR Code to register or click on link below:
- Call Mary Beth Lamagna at 860-763-8804
- Email Mary Beth Lamagna at [email protected] to receive online link to register
- Register in person on Thursday, June 30, 2022, in the Main Lobby at Enfield High School from 12pm to 6pm
Please note that the Director reserves the right to withdraw any summer credit recovery course due to inadequate enrollment.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Summer Credit Recovery Program, please call Mary Beth Lamagna at 860-763-8804.
Your child must have been enrolled in this course during the 2021-22 school year in order to be eligible. Course sessions are offered at 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
____ Algebra 1 (1 credit)
____ Geometry (1 credit)
____ Algebra 2 (1 credit)
____ English 9 (1 credit)
____ English 10 (1 credit)
____ English 11 (1 credit)
____ English 12 (1 credit)
____ Spanish 1 (1 credit)
____ Modern World History (1 credit)
____ U.S. History (1 credit)
____ Integrated Physical Science (1 credit)
____ Biology (1 credit)
CREDIT: Amount shown is maximum allowed.
All classes are 2 hours and 30 minutes in length. Courses will be offered to in-person students ONLY. There are no remote options for students to attend this summer credit recovery program. No confirmation of classes will be mailed. You will be called on July 1st with confirmation of the course and time. Class time is determined by enrollment. These lists will be posted on the main doors at Enfield High School by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, July 1st. Students who registered for classes that are cancelled due to insufficient enrollment will be notified by telephone by Friday, July 1st.
Enfield, Connecticut
In-Person 2022 Summer Credit Recovery Program
Enfield High School students that did NOT earn credit during the 2021-22 school year may have an opportunity to recover up to two (2) credits at NO COST for this year’s program. Students that qualify for this opportunity and successfully complete the credit recovery program will receive a passing mark of a ‘P’ for the course and will earn credit.
Students qualify if:
- Students must have been enrolled for the entire course.
- Enrollment and credit for any credit recovery course taken must receive the prior approval of the student’s school counselor or building administrator.
- Credit Recovery courses that are successfully completed, unless otherwise noted, will receive a final grade of Pass (P).
- This opportunity will NOT impact BOE policy concerning:
- No more than 50% of the total credits needed in a required subject area for graduation may be accrued in summer school.
- If successful completion, the regular year’s grade will be updated with a Pass (P) on the transcript and will not be factored into the student’s cumulative G.P.A.
- In-Person attendance is mandatory.More than one (1) absence may result in loss of credit or dismissal from the program.If a student is late to class by ten minutes or more, it will be recorded as a tardy.Three tardies will be considered as an absence.