Eagle Eye Project

Press release for Eagle Eye Project 2017- 2018

(Approved by Erin Clark 9/29/17)


Enfield High School Eagle Eye Project 2017-2018:


Exciting things are happening at Enfield High School!  We are now recruiting students for the2017-2018 Eagle Eye Project-a teacher organized, student driven endeavorpromoting real world experience and opportunities for collaborative,interdisciplinary learning. 


Two talented and motivated student leaders will be selectedto serve as Chief Executive Officers to oversee and manage the overall project.  The Eagle Eye Project is also recruitingproject managers, production designers, film scheduling managers, cameraoperators, film editors, media relation managers, and projectparticipants. 


Don’t miss out on the fun and learning!  If you are motivated and interested, we willfind a niche for you.  Mathematicsteachers Ms. Sullivan (room E231) and Mrs. Holmberg (room E230) will serve asadvisors for the 2017-2018 Eagle Eye Project.  Stop by during Eagle Block B if you have any questions.  Eagle Eye Project information will also beposted on the bulletin board opposite our class rooms.


Highlights of the Enfield High School Eagle EyeProject from last year:


Last year, the Eagle Eye Project was launchedfor the first time with great success.  Two student CEO’s (Jacob Audet andMadison Stone) took responsibility for managing the project and they were offand running with help from a team of Student Managers (Matt Campo, Emily Yang, Jessica Merluzzi, Jocelyn DeGray, Emily Malcolm, Astrid Nassau,Samantha Moreau, Paige Dowding). “Eagle Eye” was intended to include as manydepartments as possible, with the goal of involving many students from a widevariety of backgrounds.  The inventors(Emily Malcolm, Roni Walker, Jessica Merluzzi, Emily Yang, Astrid Nassau,Samantha Moreau, Paige Dowding) utilized skills from the Art Department, WoodTechnology (Tucker George, Zach Rawlinitis) and Metal Technology (RyanWalsh).  The English Department provideda Script Writer (Olivia Sears), and Math students (Elisha Lawrence, OliviaSears, Amanda Coderre, Caitlin Martinek, Carlos Dejesus, Miles Woodyard,Timothy Fortune, Jack Dufault, Huwayda Alshahrani, Ameer Kawash, SpencerAlbano, Emily Christie, Michael Dibattisto, Dan Golden, Shawn Keeler, AnnaLabak, and Astrid Nassau) researched and calculated profit margins, breakevenpoints and promotion expenses.


Once the development work was done, itwas time to begin filming and three more groups of talented students enteredthe picture.  The camera crew (DanielGolden, Ryan Shermer, delete Trent Byers) captured the inventors’ presentationsand the investors’ evaluations. Musicians (Matt Bourque, Max Dumont, Kerry Fracasso, William Freeman,Owen Lawler, Nick Rawlinitis, Malachi Wright, Kenin Carballo, Caterina Fonseca,Jillian Hubbard, Nathan Mason, Matt Pelligrini, Joseph Paul, Daniel Shermer,Nicholas Watson, Nicholas Woods) provided a soundtrack.  Lamplighter Drama Club actors (Cole Wood,Rhiannon Grimmett, Matt Cain, Makena Schwab, Lizzy Collins) portrayed theinvestors as well as a light-hearted inventor for comic relief.  Says Makena Schwab, the ecology-mindedinvestor, "Getting to work on this project was so much fun, especiallysince there was never a dull moment with my fellow investors."


The project’s Staff Advisors AgnesJesse (Art), Jeanne Holmberg (Math), Michael Pertrucci (TechnologyEducation-Photography), Ryan Rossignol (Technology Education-Digital Media),Patti Nelson (Art), Richard Sullivan (Music), Bethany Sullivan (Math), CraigWhite (Technology Education-Engineering), Michelle Nasseau (Art) and Sue Reese(Lamplighters Drama) were so proud of the student effort, creativity anddetermination to make our first Eagle Eye Project such a success!