Basic Algebra



Basic Algebra Syllabus



  • Students must be in their seats and prepared for class when the bell rings.  
  • Using the lavatory, getting a drink, sharpening pencils, etc. should be done before the start of class.  
  • Cell phones, ipods, and the like will not be used in class and are to be left out of sight.
  • Show respect for others at all times.   


You are required to bring the following to class daily:

  • Textbook – covered at all times
  • Pencil – All work should be done in pencil.  Any work that cannot be read will not be graded.
  • Math notebook
  • Homework assignment – complete and showing all work
  • Calculators are strongly recommended.  When purchasing a calculator the TI-30 is best suited for this course.  Graphing calculators will not be allowed for use on tests or quizzes. 

Math Notebook

All students are required to keep a three ring binder for math class.  The binder must contain loose leaf paper.  The notebook should be organized in one of two ways:


  •  The first method is, sequentially where all notes, homework, and quizzes and tests are placed as they occur in class. 
  • The second method is to organize by category; separate sections are created within the notebook for notes, homework, and tests and quizzes. 


In order to be successful in Mathematics it is absolutely essential that homework is done on a regular basis.  I do not give busy work – each assignment has a specific objective.  Failure to complete or hand in homework on time, for whatever reason, will result in a lowering of your quarter grade.


All missed work must be made up.  A test or quiz previously announced must be taken, during study hall or after school, within three school days after the student returns to class.  It is expected that students participating in a field trip will get assignments ahead of time so they can return prepared to participate in class.

Grading Policies

  • Homework and class work assignments                                    5 pts.  
  • Prepared for class                                                                   2 pts. 

a)    Arriving to class on time

b)    Having all required materials

c)    Participating in class

d)     Following school rules regarding electronic devices

  • Quizzes and projects                                                             30 pts.
  • Tests                                                                                    100 Pts.


  • Final grades will be determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of points offered and multiplying by one hundred.
  • Students who maintain an average of at least 90% are not require to complete homework assignments 


  • I will be available after school in room 108 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays to help individuals having difficulty in class. 

  • Students may earn back lost participation points during after school help sessions.  Participation points must be earned back within five school days of being lost.  A maximum of two points may be earned per day.


  • Set up a regular study time for Mathematics, preferably as soon as possible after class.  At this time, the explanations form class will be freshest in your mind.
  • Ask questions.  Do not let all you questions build up until you are overwhelmed.
  • Take advantage of the available help.  Use after school help, your classmates, and study hall.  Do not think you have to tough it out on your own.
  • Use the planner provided by the school to keep an organized record of assignments
  • A good attitude will make a huge difference.


Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the class policies.  Take home and have (at least) one parent or guardian sign indicating that she/he has read the course requirements



Signature_________________________________   Date___________



Signature__________________________________  Date___________