iPad Tips and Tricks – Everything you wanted to know! (use file cabinet below)
Folder A – iPad Use
1. How to set up and iPad
2. Apple ID sign in and cloud storage
3. Apps to update after password change
4. How to download and install and iOS update
5. How to log out of Apple ID
6. How to erase iPad
7. Two ways to access your school email on iPad
8. Using the iPad screen recorder
9. Restore iPad directions
10. Getting latest version of an app
Folder B- Using Teams and OneNote on the iPad
1. Navigating and using Microsoft Teams on the iPad
2. OneNote immersive reader on iPad how to ….
3. Scanning documents and uploading using OneDrive
4. Sharing videos as links on Teams assignments
5. Submitting assignments using OneNote
6. How to share a PowerPoint presentation from Teams
7. How to screenshare in Teams
8. How to navigate using Teams on a cellphone
9. Teams how to enable notifications
Folder C – Office 365 your school email account
1. How to access office 365 from a web browser
2. Changing your office 365 password
Folder D – Miscellaneous Tech support
1. Wi-Fi trouble at home last ditch effort
2. The Hoopla digital mobile app
3. iPad tips and tricks
Folder E – Khan Academy and College Board
1. Creating and linking Khan Academy and College Board Accounts