Summer Review Packet

Important Message:

Students enrolled in a Mathematics course will be expected to complete a math summer assignment.  All students have received their summer assignment from their math teacher by the end of the school year. If a student needs an extra copy of any summer assignment they can access them below.  Hard copies  are also available in the main office at Enfield High School.  

During the summer if any students that have questions and need extra help there will be two extra help sessions available.  On June 27 and  August 22 from 10 AM – 11:30 AM at Enfield High School.



Math Summer Review 2018


Algebra 1 and Coversheet



Algebra 2

Honors Algebra 2 ONLY

AP Statistics

Pre-Calculus (155)

Honors Pre-Calculus

Honors Calculus




Calculators in Math Class

Used wisely, calculators can be a powerful instructional tool.  Students are expected to bring an appropriate calculator to class on a daily basis.  Please note that cell phone calculator applications cannot be used on any test or quiz. 

To meet Common Core Expectations, a Graphing Calculator is recommended for all math classes.  Students will need to become comfortable and knowledgeable with graphing calculator technology and features in preparation for the new state test which will be administered to all students in Grade 11.  A suitable Graphing Calculator can be purchased for approximately $100.00.  One example of an appropriate graphing calculator would be the TI-83 Plus.  A slightly more expensive graphing calculator would be the TI-84 Plus.  In preparation for the new school year, graphing calculators are usually on sale during the month of August.

For some applications, a Scientific Calculator may also be used in class.  A suitable Scientific Calculator can be purchased for less than $20.00.  An example of an appropriate calculator would be the Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator. 

Course                                                                  Calculator Type

Algebra 1                                                            Graphing Calculator preferred Geometry                                                           Graphing Calculator preferred
Algebra 2                                                            Graphing Calculator
Precalculus                                                         Graphing  Calculator Calculus                                                              Graphing Calculator
Statistics & Probability                                      Graphing Calculator

If a student cannot afford the purchase of a graphing calculator, the school has a limited supply that can be loaned to students for the school year.  To borrow a calculator for the school year, a loan form must be signed by the parent or guardian indicating that the student will replace the calculator with an equivalent one in an unopened package if the calculator is damaged or lost.

  • Additional course specific information is included on the cover page of each Review Packet.